Locum Vet Services
Locum Vet Services
Practice owners can have peace of mind knowing that cases will be managed professionally .
With 17 years veterinary experience, Dr Gretta has extensive experience working as a locum vet in Sydney-based veterinary practices. Practice owners can have peace of mind knowing that cases will be managed professionally with courteous communication with clients.
Dr Gretta is happy to work as part of a team of veterinarians or comfortable in a sole charge environment.
Gretta has her own professional indemnity insurance (Guild) and generally invoices vet practices using her ABN for ease of employment.
She has current veterinary registration in NSW (N6695) and an EPA Radiation License (5009054).
Gretta is capable in the following areas:
- Consultations (dogs, cats, small mammals)
- Surgery (eg routine desexing, lumpectomy, gastro-intestinal surgery, cystotomy, splenectomy and more)
- Imaging (including xrays/basic emergency ultrasound diagnostics)
- Dentistry (including use of digital dental radiography)
- Managing emergency cases
- Recent veterinary graduate guidance and case discussion
- Housecalls
Gretta has experience using the following veterinary software:
- Rx Works
- Open VPMS
- Cornerstone
- Viva
Gretta’s areas of interest include internal medicine, emergency and critical care, soft tissue surgery, dentistry, pathology, dermatology and cardiology. She also has an interest in the medicine of backyard chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs.
A complete curriculum vitae and references are available on request.
Please email Dr Gretta Howard via the contact form to organise vet locum services.